How Do I . . . Check Out Ice Skates or Snowshoes?
Books aren't the only thing you can check out from the Barlow library - you can check out ice skates and snowshoes!
The library has several pairs of ice skates and snowshoes for kids and adults! Ice skate sizes range from Childs 9J- Mens 13. You must have a library card, in good standing, to check out ice skates or snowshoes. Ice skates and snowshoes can only be checked out and returned during our open hours; MWF-9AM-5:30PM, Tues/Th-9AM-8PM and Saturday-9AM-3PM. DO NOT put in the book drop. Ice Skates and snowshoes may be checked out for a two-day period, up to three pairs per card, one renewal allowed. Fines are $.50/day when items are overdue. No holds may be place on ice skates. Borrowers are responsible for stolen, lost or damaged equipment. All skate guards must be returned with the skates or you will be charged for their replacement. |