Copy, Fax and Scanning Services
Size B&W One-sided B&W Two-Sided Color One-Sided Color Two-Sided
Letter Size (8 1/2 x 11) $.15/page $.20/page $.50/page $.75/page
Legal Size (8 1/2 x 14) $.20/page $.25/page $.75/page $1.00/page
Tabloid Size (11 x 17) $.20/page $.25/page $.75/page $1.00/page
- All faxes (sending/receiving) are $1.00 for the first page and $.50 for any additional pages.
- Fax number is 641-648-2872
- Faxing can be done and picked up during any of the library hours.
- Documents can be scanned to an email address in a PDF or JPEG format at no charge.
The Barlow Library is not able to accept credit or debit cards for payment. Only cash or check, small bills or coins preferred.
The Barlow Library does offer wireless printing from laptops and phones. Please ask at the front desk for instructions. Same charges apply.